Faith Formation Children, Youth, Adult
Beth-El’s children’s ministry seeks to lead children into deeper relationships with Jesus, with the hope of guiding them to be actively engaged in community and learning to be peacemakers.
Children join in the main worship service, with packets of activities available for kids to work on during service. Twice a month, children are engaged in a Wondering Together segment, and they are invited to participate in collecting an offering that contributes to school kits for kids around the world. Ten minutes after worship service, Sunday school is available for every age group.
Nursery is offered year-round and Sunday school classes from September through May.
The Nursery is for newborns through age 3 and meets in Room 13, beginning after offering in the main service. It is supervised by volunteers who love to engage with our littlest ones.
See our Child Safety Policy

Youth join in the main worship service, and Sunday school is available for every age group ten minutes after worship service.
Youth engage with various class topics, at times coordinated with the adults, at other times related to the seasons of the church’s liturgical calendar. Once a month, they’re invited to participate in Music Sunday, learning to play instruments and sing together.
Adult Sunday School Classes
Room 9: variety of topics, from September through May
Previous Classes have included:
Finance Class – Learn about updated ways to protect your finances from fraud, learn the basics of budgeting and managing your finances. Bring a list of your current bills to class on December 2nd for learning about budgeting.
Bible Study: Acknowledging God – This study will focus on the ways God’s people have acknowledged the greatness of their God. We will look at guidance for following God, the ways Jesus provides a channel for giving God glory & honor, and finish the quarter with a look at different times and ways people praise God.
Anabaptist Essentials – A study on the book “Anabaptist Essentials”, intended both for those new to Mennonite understandings as well as those who are familiar with them.
Bystander Intervention- Ever want to know what to do when you observe a bad situation. What if you are the target? Julie and others will be leading a class based on MCC’s curriculum for effective responses. Be prepared for teaching, discussion, role-playing, and sharing of past experiences.
Immigration How does it affect you, your neighbors, and your faith? And how can you be involved?
Twisted Scripture – Covenanter and friends of the congregation have submitted examples of scripture they find puzzling and would like discussed. Some of our investigations might reveal interpretative habits quiet familiar and conventional. Others might reveal overt, even subversive contrasts to what our Christendom-influences, empire-honoring culture has taught. Led by Fred Martin & Peter Sprunger-Froese