Worship at Beth-El

Worship – 9:30am via Youtube
Congregational worship service involves different people and traditions each week. A typical service includes prayer, singing, a brief sermon, offering, and a time of congregational sharing/reflection. Beth-El enjoys celebrating the different seasons of the church calendar and appreciate practices such as communion and anointing. There is also eating together! On the second Sunday of every month, worship spills over into a potluck meal.
Please see our notice of filming, photography, & audio recordings.
After Worship, there is time for fellowship and learning for all ages:
Coffee & Donut Fellowship Time
After service is an unstructured time of intergenerational conversation and fellowship in the foyer. It is a great time to meet new people, re-connect with people you may already know, and (of course) eat a donut.
Faith Formation (Sunday School)
From September to May, a number of age-specific classes for children, youth, and adults meet after Coffee & Donuts. The children work through curriculum such as Kids Can!, while adult classes have focused on how to read the Bible, human sexuality, or ways to support refugees. At times, the congregation will go through an intergenerational curriculum like Circle of Grace.

“The Lord reigns! Let us praise His great and awesome name – He is holy!”
– Psalm 99:3
God is present whenever God’s people gather together. During weekly services, everyone is invited to participate through a variety of avenues, expressions, and acts of worship, including readings, prayer, music, and sharing. Services are led by a variety of people, and opportunities are given for members of all ages to participate in ways that are meaningful to them.
Beth-El strives to keep services well-planned but flexible with the needs of the community. Services are contemporary yet appreciative of traditions, with encouragement for daily and practical responses to God’s call in personal, community, and global relationships.
This is generally an informal community, so come as you are!